Wednesday 25 June 2008

"It's time to light the lights!"

Good morning.

So were you one of those kids who knew what they wanted to be when they were little? Like fireman, policeman officer, vet, showjumper, model, actor, singer, blah de blah yakkety shmakkety?

What did you want to be?

Because I didn't know. I remember once when a friend of mine was over, we were only little, five or six or seven. I think it was his mum that asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up, and I'm pretty sure my buddy responded with one of those usual answers. I, however, replied simply, 'Nothing.' Looking back on it, that seems like a perfectly legitimate answer. Shit, up until a few months ago I still didn't know what I want to do with my life.

I've been through phases, same as you guys. I wanted to be an actor, I wanted to be a musician, I wanted to be an artist, a writer (admittedly I still want to be a writer - keep an eye out for dodgy fan fiction and short stories!), for about a week I wanted to be a fashion designer. Seriously! I was fifteen at the time, I think. Obsessed with cool outfits and the like. I wanted to be something that involved doing what I wanted, using my imagination, and the last thing I wanted to do was be stuck in a boring job where all I do is take orders from higher-ups.

Hence my never having a paper round or getting a Mac job. But you know, I was working in retail at the age of fifteen, and I stuck with that job for three years. What a mistake. I've been known to flit between temp jobs - I've been a temp for about five years now. I had one permanent job at a restaurant which worked out really well once I started my chef training, but due to constant misunderstandings between myself and the boss, who I admittedly never liked anyway, I quit.

Now, at the age of twenty-three (feels more like forty-seven), I've finally whittled my ideal job list down to one thing, one almost unattainable thing.

I'd like to work for the Jim Henson Creature Workshop. Obviously I have no training, no experience, no skills, no nothing, but I think if I ever got the chance, I would take that job like a fucking shot. Have you ever seen The Muppets or Farscape or The Storyteller? Not to mention Labyrinth, Dark Crystal.. Their creatures are just so brilliantly varied! I'd LOVE to make monsters for a living!

Anyway, I've gone on for a bit, so I'll let you lot get back to whatever it is you were doing before I interrupted you.

Hope I didn't take up too much of you your time!

Love, Odsox

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There must be another company easier to get access to that asks for that kind of work? I mean, there's the theatre in Colchester you could look into.. see what companies do performances and contact them... don't ask, don't know eh?

Gotta start small... have you considered trying to do some cosplay costume bits like masks to get started? You could sell them on ebay! :)

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