Thursday 27 November 2008

"Too Young To Feel This Damn Old" - redux

So, as some of you may be aware, it's my year-closer-to-death day on Saturday the 29th (that's this Saturday)of November. This will be my twenty-fourth full year on this horrible little dirtball of a planet, and I intend to celebrate in as raucous and jovial a fashion as possible.

A basic rundown for you.

Friday 28/11/08 - 18:30 onwards:


Saturday 29/11/08 (DA OFFISHUL BERFDAY) - From whenever I wake up onwards:

More of the same, but culminating in a stumbling rush to colchester Town centreat about seven to start drinking at the Purple Dog, on to Greenlands for iced teas and ending up at the Castle where I can try to ply ugly girls with drinks and convince them that they should give me their numbers ''cause it's ma birthday, innit?'. If I don't even manage to get a kiss on the cheek from an ugly girl's ugly friend who feels sorry for me, then I shall be upset.

Sunday 30/11/08 - 09:30 onwards:

Wondering what the hell happened the night before, becoming heart-breakingly depressed because I've just realised that I'm nearly thirty, followed by a massive panic-induced cleanup as I realise AUNTIE GILL'S COMING OVER TODAY!! And nudging the casualties of the celebration awake while making them decide whether they want to stick around and meet the legendary Auntie Gill and Uncle Martin, or move on to somewhere where there are fewer family members.

Sunday night I expect I'll become incredibly maudlin and get all bitter and drunk before I have to return to my shitbox job on Monday morning.

If any of you buggers has a suggestion or request for the weekend, for God's sake let me know as soon as possible, because otherwise it'll all go to hell and I'll end up spending my birthday alone again, which fuckin' sucks.


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