Wednesday 9 July 2008

"What do you mean, 'file corrupted'!?"


When I went to bed last night, I thought to myself, hmm, I haven't played Pokemon (Emerald) in a while, I wonder how my game was going?

So I loaded it up, sat there happily in the dark, lit by the single, brilliant light from my little white DS Lite, enjoying the introductory animation and of course, the epic music.



The file cannot be loaded due to corruption. The game can be played.

New Game?

YOU- YOU- ARGH!! My precious pokemon! My Torkoal! My Torchic! MY POOR LITTLE JIGGLYPUFF!

This is why I've only ever finished Pokemon Red. I feel that somewhere out there is one of the Gods of Gaming, She Who Pwnz Pokemon, and she's laughing at me. My struggles to complete these gargantuan games are nothing but a source of amusement for her, and she'll never let me win.

So, intending to battle it out and start a new game, I began to play, promptly fell asleep and woke up at about three o'clock this morning when I dropped the DS on my face (I have a weird habit of falling asleep with my arms in the air, don't ask me why because I don't know). It really hurt, and I was disheartened further when, through bleary eyes, I realised I hadn't even gotten my first Pokemon from that bastard Professor Birch.

Never mind, eh.

Warhammer 40,00: Squad Command is turning out to be a lot harder than I thought - I'm stuck on the third level! Interestingly enough, I have a history of getting stuck on third levels. But that's beside the point.

Squad Command is fun, a bit more involved than expected, and rife with nice, fluffy bits from 40K. I particularly enjoy the moments after Space Marines get shot, when they snarl, 'Cast out the traitor!', or when the scouts say, 'For the Emperor!'. Plus, Sniper rifles are great fun, while shotguns do a damn sight more damage than I would have guessed. I expect to pick up shinier aecondary weaopns later on, but for now I'm content with my bolters, shotguns, sniperrifles and plasma guns. Those last are really powerful, they can cause massive damage to groups of enemies, and easily take down walls and fortifications.

Something I've only just noticed is that your troops can crouch behind cover as well,and setting them on Overwatch (leaving them with enough action points to fire their weapon should an enemy cross their path) is proving vital to my defence during the Enemy Turn.

I must must MUST get past this level so I can get more Space Marines and ditch the Scouts.

Later on we get tanks too!

Hope I didn't take up too much of your time!

Love, Odsox

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