Tuesday 16 December 2008

Oddy's Pre-Christmas Mash-Up!


Well, maybe not. But it’d be good fun if it was, eh?

I don’t know if any of you buggers have noticed, but there seems to be some sort of mass-commercialism going on at the moment. Every shop has decorated its window with some old fat guy in a red jumpsuit who looks like he stole every fucking pie in the factory.

I’m told this is part of a human festival called Christmas, which I’ve found myself referring to as The Great Winter Price-Hike, when the shops gain a fondness for red, green, silver, gold and white, start getting this fat guy to lumber through their shops either as a hobo who gives children presents and ‘sits the kiddies on his knee’ – riiiiiiight - or as a tinny, new-fangled clockwork automaton, and PLAY NOTHING BUT CHRISTMAS SONGS ALL DAY.

Fuck that noise.

A few of you might remember, many years ago, that some of us decided that spending Christmas with the family is all well and good, but seeing as you never get to see your mates over that little holiday, it might be an idea to arrange some sort of pre-Christmas do for just you and your bestests.

Well, after chatting to Mr. Weanie about the whole thing, I’m going to attempt to reinstate this, and everyone who reads this blog (and can make the journey, obviously) is invited. So, pack a few cheapo pressies in your bags, grab the booze, the smoke, DVDs and CDs, make your excuses and come on over!

It would be awesome to get the old crowd together, and of course those of you who are lucky enough to have gotten a bf/gf since the last bash can consider your new beau/heau welcome as well - the more the merrier!


The Pre-Christmas Booze Bash will take place on Saturday the 20th of December at approximately 18:00, and the venue will be 80 Avon Way, Colchester.

The aim of the Pre-Christmas Booze Bash is simple - to gather all your friends, mates, pals, chums, put them in a small(ish) space, get them tanked up and hand over their Christmas presents!

Adam, Weanie, Justin, Gemma, Fi, Sooz, and.. er.. actually that's all the friends I have. Nearby at least.

Anyway, do as the Invite says! And for the love of cheese, get in touch if you can't make it! There's nothing worse than organising something like this and hacing it fall through at the last moment.

As a parting note, here's a cheerful, happy-go-lucky scamp to remind us that dressing up one's pets is neither big, nor clever.

In fact, it should be a hanging offence.


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