Tuesday 8 July 2008

"Why so serious?"

Oh come on, you knew I was qoing to throw a Battyman quote in here sometime. All the cool kids are doing it.

I'm not entirely sure why I've posted a poll, seeing as how (as far as I can tell) only two or three people visit my blog at the moment. Still, I've been hankering for some new writing and the few scrap I have going at the moment are a bit stale.

I'd love to start a comic (feels like I whinge about this every few weeks), but while I trust my writing skill in that regard I don't have quite nough talent to make a passable illustration of what I want to happen. And after a little thought, I realised that just posting lines of dialogue and barebones descriptions isn't going to work as an updating serial. So if any of you buggers know of an artist who's struggling to write their own comic and can take direction well, give us a shout, won't you? I've had a comic idea rolling around up here *taps noggin* for a while, and it's just the art that's eluding me. I can see the characters, I can see the world, I know how they behave and I know what's gong to happen, but I can't show anyone because I wouldn't be able to do it justice with my own level of skill.

[Side question: If you're an artist or, as I prefer to think of myself, a doodler: Do you have a style all your own? How did you get to it? Are you satisfied with what you can do? Why the platypus?]

Deep sigh. Anyway, I don't know about you but the price of movie tickets is really starting to make my blood boil. I was chatting to my buddy Chris about the price of movie tickets in the U.S. (or at least, in a certain part of Washington State) and found out that over there it costs a mere $10 to go to a late showing or a weekend showing, which works out at about a fiver! IT COSTS SEVEN POUNDS EIGHTY in our cinema! And the yanks can get one of those enormous popcorn boxes refilled for a paltry $1! THAT'S FIFTY BLOODY PENCE! One of those boxes over here would set you back a fiver on its own, and they'd probably chase you out with a fire extinguisher if you asked for a refill!

Speaking of movies and that, I don't suppose anyone fancies going to see The Incredible Hulk at some point over the next couple of weeks? There are so many movies coming out that I simply cannot afford to keep up with them anymore. It's a crying shame because I get Total Film delivered to my door every month (thank you yet again, Auntie Gill! ^o^), and I used to be a bit of a film buff, but because I can't afford the cinema anymore I have to read my TF religiously and pretend that I've seen the films. ;_; Also, I'm desperate to see Wall*E. It's out on the 21st, I think, so if anyone wants to pile down to Colchester or hit the big cinema in Ippers with Gem and me, you're more than welcome!

Hope I didn't take up too much of your time!

Love, Odsox.

....I'm Batman.

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