Monday 28 July 2008

"No fucking shit, lady. Do I sound like I'm ordering a pizza?"

I watched Die Hard last night. As it started, it occurred to me that I've never sat all the way through it before, I've always ended up catching a few minutes here, a few minutes there, and never really got into it as a result.

So I decided to actually watch it, and I have to admit that it's one of the funnier action movies I've seen. Particularly the line I've used for my blog title, which was delivered by Bruce Willis as a sort of half-shout-half-scream of frustration, followed by loads of gunfire. Extremely entertaining.

How have you all been, by the way? I for one had an incredibly hot weekend, and found myself spending most of it outside in the sunshine, whether I was out identifying plants and insects in the garden with Big Rich (that's ma stepdad, if you didn't know), walking around the Greenstead estate and down to Tescos, or out in the garden with Alison (that's Chris' mum) enjoying the rustle of leaves in the breeze while I did some sketching. I didn't have much time for the PC to be honest, what with it being ridiculously humid and sticky as well as hot. The old chrome fan has been on pretty much 24 hours a day the past three days, even though I've got all the windows wide open and an adequate supply of cold water.

It really isn't computer game weather.

Still, saying that, the few hours I did manage to get in on the PC involved some fun online games of Dawn of War: Soulstorm with Chris (who's a bit ill at the moment, apparently there's something going round), and of course a couple of Warfare games on trusty old Unreal 3. I did, admittedly, get a bit PO'ed at one point while playing Unreal, though I reined it in, didn't say anything and set myself to getting vengeance on the bastard that kept sniping me. Squashed him good with a Manta attack speeder. Also managed to score some points while orb-running, and got a particularly brilliant Killing Spree that I ended AT THE EXACT SAME MOMENT AS ACHIEVING IT, thusly:

"Odsox is on a killing spree!"
"Odsox fired his rocket prematurely."
"Odsox ended his own killing spree."

BOOOOOO, though I did end up laughing at myself, which is what these games are all about, if you ask me. Having a laugh and relieving one's tension. Plus, the next game that my team played stormed into the enemy and won the game in approximately three minutes, which is unbelievable for a Warfare match. Not that I had too great a part in that match, I tend to spend my Warfare time going vehicle-hunting (NB: The AVRiL ((Anti-Vehicle Rocket Launcher - the i just helps pronounciation)) doesn't reload fast enough!), so I was speeding around in a Scorpion looking for things to kill when the game suddenly ended.

Oh, and by the way, I'm thinking of selling on some of my comics, so should any of you get the urge to make some impulse purchases, let me know. I'm still trying to understand the eBay thing.

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