Tuesday 26 February 2013

Honesty (or "So here it is, from me to you.")

You know, it's been a long time since I talked about anything I liked on here. Let's change that, shall we?

As you might have heard, just after my birthday I went through a break up with the most wonderful woman I've ever met. This was, at it's very core, a clean break up, ie neither of us wronged the other in any way. No cheating, no violence, none of that rubbish that is considered the major cause of relationships ending. She and I each had some issues to work through and we went our separate ways.

Glossing over the three months between then and now, which you will no doubt have been aware of anyway if you're unfortunate to be on my Facebook or Twitter feeds, she and I have reconnected. And this time has been wonderful. I know that I for one still have my own problems to work through, but counselling and a serious look at my life have taken the edge off a bit. I still have these... these funny turns, which are bad for everyone involved, but thanks to her, everything is better. I feel like I can cope, as long as I know she's there. 

Apart from a couple of posts last year, I don't think I've actually told you much about this remarkable woman. 

How to put this? Well, quite frankly, she's my rock, as I am hers. She's the beautiful, solitary lightning bolt in the middle of the storm that brings an irrepressible grin to my face. She's the play of sunlight between the leaves that is a soul-warming reminder that life can be great. For my nerdier followers, she's my Blue Lantern. She's a little bit geeky, she likes old movies, she's one heck of a cook, she loves animals and she's the most honest, devoted and loving person I know. She's loud. She's passionate. She's comforting and normal and exceptional and exciting at the same time. And I love her. I do.

She and I are a good fit. I'm a portly, introverted, common-as-muck-with-delusions-of-intellectual-grandeur scrub, and she isn't. We look after each other. We talk to each other. We spend each moment away in a semi-subconscious ongoing paroxysm of worry and pine for each other.

And I love her.

I do.

Anyway, that's all for now, I probably should have been in bed an hour ago, I've got a special lady to think about.



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