Monday 20 April 2009

"Time For Beddy-Bye, Mr. Bubbles!"

It's been another while between proper blogs, hasn't it?

My apologies.

Truth be told, not a lot has been going on in my life.

I'm still working in the same job, (mentally) scraping by while my bankroll fluctuates alarmingly each month. It's all I can do not to jack it in.

My writing continues, and I've decided to stick a sword in Driven By Hate after I get the final part of Earned In Blood uploaded. Mainly because the inspiration for most of the events there (House Sathar) has gone on indefinite hiatus while other players try different games, etcetera.
That and something that one of the Sathar players mentioned about it being fun to write fan fiction but even better to write your own universe, ie one that the author has created.

I agree thoroughly; the only problem being that I get bogged down with detail whenever I start something universal-size.

Other than that, I finally went and got a copy of Bioshock. Well, it was only a tenner and it's been
niggilng at me for a year or so, so it seemed like a worthwhile purchase.

Turns out it was a REALLY worthwhile purchase.

This game is awesome. Totally immersive (if you keep your volume settings loud enough so that the tribe of chavs who have moved into the flat downstairs are drowned out), fun, well-designed,
gory and intriguing, this has to be the best single-player FPS I've played since F.E.A.R.

Speaking of which, F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origins is out, and it's pretty bloody scary.

Oh, I also added to my Dresden Files collection with my long-sought-after paperback copy of Small Favour, ONLY TO FIND OUT THE HARDBACK VERSION OF TURN COAT IS OUT.

Damn it all to hell, when will they learn to release both at the same time!? I won't buy hardcovers unless they're Pratchett these days (or really really cheap and good), so I love paperback editions. Smaller, handier, cheaper.. Plus I have the paperback set of the Dresden Files, thus a hulking great hardback would ruin the whole thing.

Hey! Listen!

You remember me banging on about Warhammer Online, yeah? You must have. Because I hardly ever stop.


Download it and play it, give me a shout on Burlok or Karak Azgal or, heck, e-mail me if you join the WAR and let me know who to help/kill!

Gem was supposed to sign up ages ago, but due to myriad reasons she hasn't. (probably doesn't really want to play a mad, gibbering goblin shaman that thinks it's a girl - and who would?) I was hoping to glean a few more troops from my readers, and then I remembered that MMOs aren't to everyone's taste.


Right, I'd best get back to the grindstone before the boss gets back.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Another fan of Bioshock! I love that game... and I was so happy with playing the demo on Xbox Live, I made sure I got the copy with the Big Daddy model. :) I love that game!

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