Wednesday 29 October 2008

"Beg the Omnissiah for forgiveness, sinner!"


So my PC's borked.

Like, proper borked. It won't even turn on properly now. I've been in contact with my PC manufacturer to describe the problem, and they supplied me with a link to a webpage I can't access because it's for registered members only and because my dad registered and paid out for my PC only he can access it. So I've sent him an email asking for the password so I can access the link (which pertains to chipsets and will probably be useless anyway) and because I don't have any credit on my mobile I can't give him a bell and tell him to check his email.

I'm sure I've told you guys the problem in one way or another. Basically, the PC fires up, the lights go, the fans spin, and that's about as far as it gets. It just sits there, whirring away.

Oh, well, OCCASIONALLY it'll turn on, and then I have to race to hit DEL so I can change the Boot settings to Boot From Disk, THEN I have to reset the PC and hope it reboots (which can take up to twenty minutes to do successfully). It brings up the repair setup after a short amount of button pressing and disc scanning, and so far that's been running fine, all the way up to the stage where it tells me that "Setup must now restart. Press ENTER to restart your computer now." At this stage there's also a big red bar slowly filling up which reads "Your PC will reboot in.. (countdown)"

Now, I don't know, but is there difference between rebooting and restarting? Because I've been letting the bar fill up to reboot, which ends up with the PC going back to whirry-whirry-nothin'-doin' mode.

I don't know. Why isn't there a fucking PC shop around here? Somewhere I can walk in, collapse in tears and shove the PC at them, sobbing into my beer belly and telling them that 'It just doesn't work, I don't know what's wrong, please just fix it for me!'

I'm missing installation discs from my original supply, (something my manufacturer failed to address in their response email - I should get on that) WAR Online is having a special event over the weekend which I'm not going to be able to take part in *rages against the heavens*, so cheap SOOOOOCHEAP I really wanted that Bloodletter mask..

And to top off the shitness, work is ridiculous! We're snowed under with a four-day backlog at the moment. One of our workers was shunted over to another team with literally ZERO notice to us, which means we're working at half-strength AND because of the utter failure to launch the 'new system', we've got twice as much fucking work coming in. I can't even try and get a day off because it just wouldn't be cricket to leave all this work for the other clerk. Here's a brief summary for those without any real knowledge of office clerking for governmental services: On an average day, our collective inbox tops out at about.. 8 emails? We get a lot more than that, obviously, but we're usually so on top of things that that's as bad as it gets. This morning we had 50.

Fuck's sake..


Oh hells yes. I might be seriously pissed off with my lack of PC awesomeness right now, but I'm going to see the best live band in the world AGAIN! And we're gonna see 'em at the Astoria, London's grimiest rock club. xD You might not know the history of the Astoria (heck, I don't, I've only been there like twice), but basically it's an old-school rock joint and it's due for destruction soon.

Less Than Jake are so bloody good.. x)

Anyway, back to the grind.


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