Thursday 7 August 2008

"Let me hold you, touch you, feel you, always."

I forgot how much I love Blink 182.

AFTERNOON, MORTALS! How’s life been treating you? Good? Good! I’m pleased for you. Really.

You see, I finally got around to checking my old Yahoo! inbox yesterday, simply because I needed to use a Yank client for Dungeons and Dragons Online in order to play with my buddy Chris (who moved to sunny Walla Walla earlier this year) and I found a message sent during July by an old friend of mine. I thought she'd moved on to greener, college-shaped pastures with a distinct lack of local Odsox (that's the plural of Odsox, by the way. Why yes, I am lazy, aren't I?).

So that's buoyed my spirits a fair bit, and I'll give you lot a little rundown of how life has been lately, mostly for her benefit.

I’ve been having a fairly good time , truth be told. Tonight I’ll be making some more adjustments to Chris’ old bike in the hope of being able to use it myself and increasing my daily exercise from Virtually None to Some, which will be awesome. The diet of cornflakes/toast and a cup of tea for breakfast followed by a sandwich and apple for lunch with a dinner of chicken noodles is working out to be incredibly cheap and easily maintained. I actually had to stop eating my sausage roll for lunch yesterday because I felt full! =D It’s pleasing to know that my self-discipline is increasing in regard to some things, even if it’s failing miserably in others (curse you, ExTeel!).

Got my hair cut recently, and that always makes me feel a bit better about myself. I suppose it’s helped by the fact that the only person who ever really cut my hair was Mum, so I get that vague pulse of nostalgia when I get it done. It compliments the beard and swish sideburns quite nicely, if I do say so myself, though I’ve been giving second thoughts to either trimming the beard down or getting rid of it entirely. It means I lose my power for a while but hey, when it returns it comes back stronger!

Speaking of getting stronger, I’m continuing my self-torture (read: amateur writing attempt) on deviantArt, so if you feel like taking some time to read a bit of fantasy fiction (and if you don’t like fantasy fiction there must be something wrong with you) set in the Forgotten Realms universe, check out the shiny new link section ovah thur --> entitled "Love and Revenge". I realise the title is lame but that's never been my strong suit.

Well, what else is there to tell you.. Hm..

Oh! I’ve been reading the Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher and it’s REALLY good! I won’t get into discussing it (that’s what Wikipedia is for, don’tcherknow), but I highly recommend it for anyone who has a gap in their reading schedule!




Oh man, I have to get my finances sorted!


Love, Odsox.

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