Tuesday 1 July 2008

"I just called.. to say.."


Manic laughter = epic win.

Right, first off - I are has a job. It's good, I'll be given my official start date soon, and then it's monthly pay and desperate rebudgeting for a few weeks.

Now on to the more important news (meaning something I WANT rather than something I need) -

I've just had the most awesome news from Virgin Media. I paid out for a new net connection (plus home phone and t.v. package - winner) just last Friday, and while I requested the 6th of July as an installation date, it turned out they decided to lumber me with the 8th of July instead, which is a Tuesday.

Now, for those slackers among you, most people WORK Tuesdays, especially between 08:00 and 13:00, which is when they'd scheduled my installation for. So I sucked up my courage and asked my manager if I could have the morning off. Sadly, I knew this approach was doomed from the start as I'd gotten a sneaky peek at our holiday rota earlier on. If I had been allowed the morning off it would have left our new fish on her own, which would have been incredibly out of line, even for someone as selfish as me.

So I made the call. You know, the inevitable call that lasts for half an hour during your lunchbreak when you could be doing something useful, like sitting down.

Except it didn't take half an hour. It took ten minutes. I got through to some shock-horror COMPETENT advisors, who after hearing my work hours suggested Saturday as an installation date.

THIS SATURDAY. Between 08:00 and 13:00. Andwaitforit!

...they even told the installation team to call me beforehand to make sure that it was okay!

How awesome is that? Now I'm going to eat my mini cheddars, scoff my coronation chicken sandwich and reflect upon all the horrible things that are likely to happen to me to counterbalance this run of good luck!

I hope no hot girls die..

Love, Odsox

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My gawd, that does sound like good service to me... I thought that didn't exist! :O

"New fish" lol.

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