Wednesday 2 July 2008

"Blues suck!"

So with my upcoming net fix and the release of SPORE in just a few months, it occurred to me that the Carling Festival (Reading) is also coming up. How the hell am I going to afford that? Apparently we, by which I mean several people whom I consider close acquaintances if not friends, are heading down on the Wednesday to get drunk in the queue for tickets. This plan has been circulated around the group, and I for one fully expect it to go as swimmingly as all of our other big group plans, i.e., only two or three of us actually go through with it while the others have excuses not to, thereby making the remainder somewhat bitter about the whole thing. I could be on either side of that divide. Hopefully the latter. At least I'll get to go to Reading this year. It'll be my eight year in a row!

Also: Cubecraft [dot] com. DO IT. DO IT NAO.

I've already printed out a Star Wars Imperial Stormtrooper and a full-colour Iron Man to sit on my desk at work. I have a horrible feeling that most of the others (Dr. Manhattan! DR. BLOODY MANHATTAN! I bet most of you don't even know who he is!) will be joining them at some stage.

Not the Master Chief one though.

Fuck Master Chief. FUCK 'IM UP HIS ASS.

Love, Odsox.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*looks confused* Is it supposed to be a japanese site yah? I can't find the characterness.. :(

You have reminded me of something Matty and I did a while back... he printed out the Green Hill Zone and you had to cut it out and glue it together... was quite cool, though it did eventually not hold it's own lol.

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