Monday 6 July 2009


I am moving! It's official!

I'm all confirmed with the letting agent and my council (although I have to pass the Pre-Termination Council Inspection first - breeeeze), and I can move into the new place as soon as Mr. Weanie's moved his stuff out! Exciting!

I'm going to start shifting bags of stuff across this week with the aid of trusty Fi, Justin's missus. Bless her, she's already helped me ditch a whooooole bunch of stuff at the British Heart Foundation charity shoppe and she's helping me shuttle stuff now. Must make it up to her somehow.

AND this Saturday my dad's heading on over from Loughton to pile the big furniture into his Chrysler something-or-other people carrier and transport it!

I look forward to lugging my stuff (Bookcase, sofa, etc.) up three flights of stairs. O_o;

Speaking of moving stuff up three flights of stairs, it was only just over a year ago when I helped old Weanie move his stuff in.

I NEARLY DIED. Lost my grip on the TV and nearly got squished.

Bloody shame Weanie's got to move, really. We're gonna miss him kickin' about in Colchester all the time, but I reckon he won't be able to stay away for too long. =D Need to go drinkin' with Weanie again. Guy's a legend.

Right, I'd better get busy - people to call, boxes to pack, moving to be done!


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